Summer 2019 Roundup

This past Summer was literally a changing of the seasons. We moved across the country, bought a car, got new jobs, made new friends, went to shows, found a new summer past-time (berry-picking), found the house of our dreams. And now, Summer is ending as quickly as it began and as the weather gets colder, I’m looking back fondly on this whirlwind transition.

Been Listening…

This playlist was on repeat most of the summer. Playlist fave: Bee Kind to the Bugs - Culture Abuse

Been Reading…

Ghosted by Rosie Walsh - a little sensational but a great summer beach read. Give in to the cheesy beach read!

I’ve got friends that are starting their own projects and creating communities of their own and I read this article that I found to be so insightful [the one hyperlinked up there^^]. One of my favorite classes in college was “Building Online Communities” and while I had no idea what it meant at the time, in retrospect it felt like such a premonition of what my career path was going to be.

I try to keep myself abreast of the latest news, but tbh it so discouraging that I find myself doing my best to avoid it. With the elections coming up, here are some tips for navigating political fatigue.

Men are taught that feelings are a female thing. So as we grow up, how do men deal with their feelings? Well, they don’t. Read on.

I love this article about when to walk away. I’m 100 an overthinker. I can mull-over thoughts and ideas for days to the point where I feel like mush, so this read was much needed,

I have friends that make money and are in a great position in their lives, but don’t know how to enjoy it. But WHAT IS LIFE IF YOU CANT ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR. There is always going to be something, manager sucks, need to save for a trip or a filling or loans. But how can you just enjoy where you’re at?

Been Doing…


July Monthly Roundup

July Monthly Roundup