February Monthly Roundup

February Monthly Roundup

You’d think after living in the Northeast for the past 8 years, I would be used to the freezing temps by now. But instead of getting used to it, the novelty has worn off and I’m about as bitter as it is cold.

While I’ve been stuck inside, I’ve been trying to do the work of refreshing my space by getting rid of things that don’t “spark the joy” that they used to (Yes, I binged Marie Kondo). A part of that is getting rid of all my self-help books, and trying to look inward instead. I’ve found that in an attempt to find ‘clarity’ by consulting just about everyone, I tend to feel more diluted than I would have otherwise. So centering and grounding are the keywords for my February- I’ve been journaling every morning this year, and I can’t exaggerate how clarifying it feels to finally get a grip!

Here’s What I’m Listening to

Work Life

I like my job (a lot), and if you know me, you know some of my favorite projects are the super amazing shoots I’ve gotten to work on- like helping a couple get engaged or shooting Michael Kelly in a bathtub.

This month I got to help the sweetest couple ever get married, and it was a scene kid’s dream come true.

Travel Pics

February is my birthday weekend, and so, we celebrated with 2 weekend getaways! Philly during President’s Day Weekend and Bovina the weekend after. If you find yourself in Philly, you must check our Suraya, Kensingtown Quarters, and High Street on Market. If you find yourself in Bovina… well you need to invite me now, cause there’s no greater joy then a chill weekend in the snow complete with cheese plates, movies, and homemade dinners.

Mark’s Videos

Alright I’ve got a friend named Mark, and honestly he has such a gift in capturing like the most perfect moments of his friends and maybe it’s just because I know them, but I think they are fucking hilarious.

June Monthly Roundup

June Monthly Roundup

January Monthly Roundup

January Monthly Roundup