August Monthly Roundup

August Monthly Roundup

Press play to listen to some of my current favs and read on...

August 23rd, and I gather that this is a bit late for an August roundup, but fuckit. We're doing it live! In the time thats passed I've gone to Austin, Boston Calling, LA, & SD Comic Con, aced some super fun work projects, and brought my dog from LA to come live with me in NY.

Its been a few months filled with crazy highs and some annoying lows (like when Brownie pees on the carpet or barks at night). But overall Its been so nice to come home to Browntown and I've been trying to get my apartment in order while I've FINALLY been able to just be home for the summer. But not for long...

I just got back from a magical Catskills getaway in Bovina and I'm to Seattle and Vancouver in just a few weeks! I've been spending every free moment, scheduling and getting pumped for our trips! I'm planning on a lot of hikes, hammocks, and happiness.

Here are some pics from Bovina that are helping me get STOKED on my journeys to come. 



Western Catskills Guide

Western Catskills Guide

May Monthly Roundup

May Monthly Roundup