Weekly Roundup 4.15.16

Went from 0-60 in the past 2 weeks. Here're some things that have held me over


Lucius’ New Album

Their presence at SXSW and rewatching they tiny desk concert has reawakened my love for this infectious duo. So hard not to love, regardless of your opinions on heavily produced pop.

I agree with many points in this pitchfork review, but I’d still rate it at least a 7.5… interesting choices pitchfork… interesting choices.


My dear friend Marissa has got a boss cheeseplate instagram account and I now owe all my cheese knowledge to her (whatever knowledge that is). As soon as this article popped up in my feed I knew it had to be shared, not just with Marissa, but to the WORLD.


In pitchfork’s review of Horse Jumper of Love's latest album, they said, “a few years into their career, the group’s already busted into the top tier of the Boston house show scene—a considerable accomplishment for any young rock band, considering the scene’s predilections towards snoozy folk and hostile hardcore.” Now, I dont necessarily agree with this review but this line was too funny not to include, so here it is. Thank you, Zoe Camp, for this generalization of the Boston House Show scene. Ok, back to Horse Jumper. I actually would describe this like a bit “snoozy” but i like that, and i like this. Would play it in my apartment on a lazy Sunday morning, or a lazy Tuesday evening as well. I feel like that sounds bad.. I'd listen to this if it was rainy too!


Book Club: Eleanor & Park

Recently started a book club with some friends in NYC! It’s nice to have a group like this! Something that makes you all come together and discuss ideas and books and things. As far as the book goes, it was a quick and easy read. Would I recommend? Maybe. It was quick, light, easy, easy beach read, travel read, could make a plane ride go by real quick. Downside? A bit elementary #imho, but who am I to judge? People seem to love it, and it may be a movie. #ProTip: Read the book first

One of my favorite lines to describe this book was from the NYT review where John Green said,  “'Eleanor & Park' reminded me not just what it’s like to be young and in love with a girl, but also what it’s like to be young and in love with a book."



Sheer Mag’s III EP

Have you listened to this yet? Have you seen them yet? Pitchfork described them as the Jackson 5 raised to play punk rock, with an F-5 tornado for a singer. Can’t say I disagree, and I even hear some Billy Joel a la Glass Houses (1980). They can forsure rock out and have a good time. I don’t even know what to say to be honest. Just go listen. 


Some people fangirl over one direction. I fangirl over Bob Boilen. Casually perusing his instagram when I came across Snail Mail. Straight outta Baltimore. Kind of reminds me Claire Cottrill but listen for yourself.  

Beacon Adventures Guide

Weekly Roundup 3.19.16