Weekly Roundup

This weekend was #jonas weekend. Spent my Saturday cooped up at Marissa's with Tarot readings, girl talk, and banana chocolate chip pancakes making the trek out only for cheeseboards and hot toddys at Miles and pizza at Archie's, and topping the night off w/ a dance party and a Fifty Shades of Grey drinking game. It was productive, fun, and channeled my inner middle-schooler like I have never channeled her before. Just the release I needed.


Sorry v. Thank You Cartoons

Sometimes, I say sorry a lott. "Sorry I'm late!" Sorry I'm tired" etc. etc. But what if I took the time and made the effort to re-frame my apologies into thanks for my friends and family. I have a hunch that everyone will be more happy, thankful, positive, and productive. I'll be working on that, so don't be surprised if I start to be more "thankful" than usual.


Greys- I'd Hate to be an Actor 

Noisey Garage Rock, like Metz, but a bit more melodic in my opinion and I dig it.


Porches - Be Apart

I. Am. So. Excited! for Porches new album! They're a newobsession of mine, althought they've been doin the thing for a while now. I'd maybe describe them as soulful, electro, indie, pop? Something like that, idk, let me know if you've got a better description. I bad at this stuff. 


The RPM Challenge! 

It's happening! It's happening. Record an album just in the month on February. Best believe thats what I'll be working on all month! Highly recommend to any and all musicians out there. Most productive, fruitful, and accomplishing way to spend a shitty winter month.


Getting over how women talk

tl;dr The real issue is not that woman speak in a way that challenges their legitimacy. The issue is that we listen to what men say, but HOW women say... And there in lies the problem. Considering I've been working hard to eradicate words like "just" from my emails, I really needed to hear this. 


Crowdsourcing the Definition of Punk

"1,2,3,4 Who's punk, whats the score?"


Pizza Hug Split

Fuzz-o-rama is coming up on March 5 and here’s a split featuring some awesome finds from both Colorado and Brooklyn! 

Weekly Roundup 2.7.16

Weekly Roundup